I am that person that considers a pet a part of the family. And no matter how rotten they can be sometimes, it's emotional when the realization comes that your lifestyle doesn't fit the kind that they need and you have to start looking for your baby a new home.
Tessie came into my life late last summer when friends from North Dakota had to move early and couldn't take their cat they had adopted upon arriving in Kentucky with them. Kent and I were still together at the time and had been contemplating the options for pets, and we felt that it was the right thing to do in order to help my friends out, plus fulfill the desire for a pet. Formerly known as Kit-Kat, Tessie took up residence at Kent's apartment and after the first day, really came into her own as the Queen of the Castle.

In November, Kent and I separated and the agreement was made that Tessie would make her home with him most of the time, and I would get her for a week or so out of the month. Because of my roommates' allergies and the fact I would have to pay rent for her, I wasn't able to take her to live with me permanently. As time went by, it became a little more apparent that Kent wasn't completely happy with the "custody" situation, and a couple weeks into January after I'd kept her for a few weeks, a conversation was held within the context of she reminded him too much of us and he didn't want to deal with that. Two months later, I finally arrange for him to keep her for a few weeks and we agreed to start looking for her a new home. With my work schedule and my after work activities, I'm away from the apartment longer than I would like to be concerning Tess. Because of the rampant allergies, she can't chill outside my room that often and being cooped up in one space all day every day isn't exactly conducive for an animal that needs to play every once in a while.

Kent and I have agreed that we won't give her back to the Humane Society. Instead, we'd like to find her a wonderful new adoptive home somewhere around the area. A house that she can run freely about, where the owners are home pretty much every night after work and there are no dogs or small children around to torture Tessie. Since she's declawed, the only thing she'll destroy is a roll of paper towels or toilet paper, and since she's fixed no one woudl have to worry about little kitties running around at any point in time. It breaks my heart to think about her not being around to sleep with me at night, or nuzzle my face when she's being sweet. But I know that I can't fulfill her needs right now either. Such a horrible feeling. But here's hoping I find that perfect person/family for her soon.
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