I looked forward to this past weekend so much. It was a special one, three days, and I was sooo ready for that Friday spent sleeping in instead of dragging my butt to work. And then I remembered the list. You know, that mental list you keep of all the things happening on any particular day? Yeah, that one was pretty full for this weekend.
Friday afternoon found me at home visiting my family and that night attending my cousin's 6th birthday party. Good food, cute kids and three hours later I was headed back to Lex to hit the bed and start all over the next day.
Saturday morning found Justin washing my GTO to prepare her for polishing (I have pictures of her sitting in the garage cause I"m pretty sure it'll be the first and only time for, well, ever). I was starting on laundry and digging a small trench out along the sunroom to bury our cable and telephone lines that have been laying on top of the ground for forever. After lunch Justin started digging the holes for our fire bushes we bought a few weeks ago and we were successful at planting three before the rain started. Yep, rain on the 4th of July. Two years running now.
Saturday evening we headed over to Gtown to spend time with The Maxwells and The Thomai (and yes, that is the new plural for Thomas'). Unfortunately the rain never let up and poor Nick had to grill in the wet. After a great meal and some fun playtime with Bailey, we all headed over to the park for their fireworks display. Timing apparently isn't the forte of many people setting off firework displays as it was supposed to start at 9pm (and the rain had stopped). Instead, it was sometime after 9 and the rain had started again. Figures. But the show was pretty and I'm glad that Justin and I were there to see it.
The night took a turn for the worse however upon arriving home a little after 11. Our neighbors were throwing a party, and as a result there were cars parked on both sides of the street. You would think it common knowledge (and math skills) that if you park vehicles on both sides of a subdivision street it's going to make it nearly impossible for those not at the party to squeeze through in order to make it home. Or not. After some griping on that front, Justin and I settled down on the couch for a bit to wind down before bed. We were going to have to get up early Sunday morning to head to God's country for his family reunion. Had we really wanted to go to bed by oh, say midnight thirty though, it would have been impossible. Said neighbors decided to celebrate the 5th of July by starting (not continuing, just starting) their fireworks at 12:15am. And not end them until after 1am. This girl was not a happy camper (and I'm not usually the nicest of people past 11:30 anyway). To make matters worse, we walked out the next morning to firework residue all over Justin's car and truck. Round two of not happy campers. Have people really lost all respect? Wait, don't answer that.
Sunday was spent hanging out with Justin's family, eating tons of awesome (and totally bad for you) food and doing a few odds and ends around the house before hitting the bed last night to prepare for work this morning. And I don't care how busy you were on the weekend, having to go back to work on Monday morning is always the hardest part.